
BluShield - this product originated in New Zealand and is one of the few I have found to really work.

Your body voltage is highest where you sleep. Naturally your body voltage should be in harmony and in equilibrium with the earth’s natural Schumann based electrical field, which is under 350 mV and normally stable at about 2 mV. Average person sleeps with a body voltage of about 2,500 mV or more.  Blushield helps to normalize this voltage.

Blushield Active EMF Protection Technology is an Active solution for EMF’s (emissions from wireless products or items powered by mains power) which is one form of incoherence within our environment. The Blushield uses power to mitigate EMF (electromagnetic fields) at a cell level. This is called Active EMF Protection Technology because the Blushield is using powerful fields instead of weak passive fields that may transmute energies or EM fields. Passive devices maybe stickers, pendants or pyramids, all of which see to be far less effective at bringing coherence to the body and environment. In a lot of cases these passive technologies are short lived or become useless over time as the energy is static and doesn’t adjust to the environment.

Active protection provides a long term solution to a wide range of incoherent signals within our environment, of which EMF is only one. 

As a tuning fork resonates so too does another tuning fork when we bring the vibrating one close enough within range of it. This is called sympathetic resonance. In effect this is how the Blushield works. A coherent field is produced and it is brought within our local environment, as long as all the right attributes are there the body will in turn become more coherent (in balance).

When there is coherence in the body this may cause some of the following results:

  • more energy
  • less fatigue
  • more balance
  • increased stamina
  • more strength
  • less stress
  • better mood
  • sounder sleep
  • less irritable
  • more relaxed
  • more coherent

Most people experience positive improvements immediately with some reporting previous symptoms of incoherence disappearing.

 The body responds to the Blushield’s coherent field because of:

  • Coherent resonances that are familiar to our cells; we have evolved with these over eons
  • Blushield is mimicking nature but much more powerfully
  • Blushield’s coherent field overrides all ambient EMF fields, including wireless radiation
  • Blushield’s coherent waveform is engineered to achieve maximum effectiveness

Coherent Fields EMF Protection

At first we developed a machine that would protect people from the harmful effects of EMF’s. Sure it does all that, but what we didn’t know is that it does a lot more than just that!

We found out it created coherence (unity, balance, stability) within people’s lives. In the form of better health, better emotional stability, increased sense of wellbeing and more happiness. Whatever the change it made in a person’s life, it contributed to the balance of the users overall wellbeing holistically.

Now the machine never made the change itself, what we found is that the Blushield bought about the right circumstances for change to take place. The catalyst if you like. A catalyst is involved in a reaction but never is used up. What a catalyst does is increase ones energy levels to such a degree that we feel like making a change, we have more resources and more power to make a change and a positive change at that. So relieving the body of stress related from EMF’s we found that the balance was bought back in people’s lives. This balance could be the normalizing of blood pressure, euphoria, being able to sleep better; even non living things are brought back into balance (my car runs smoother with more power).

The Blushield induces coherence in the environment in which it is used, in doing so incoherent fields do not have as much as an effect on the body. Nothing is ever 100% effective but we believe the Blushield does a very good job at stopping the incoherent fields effecting our emotions and physical wellbeing.

Dietary factors play a significant part in our wellbeing along with emotional factors, they go hand in hand. It is always good to eat a balanced diet and try to avoid foods that could possibly interfere with our wellbeing. Some major minerals like iodine and magnesium are also wise choices for a lot of the population as these have been reduced in our foods and replaced with more harmful substances whether through ignorance or intent. Hanging around with the people that make us feel good instead of people who drag us down is a good thing too but we don’t always have that choice.

Our bodies naturally respond to coherent fields and positive environmental influences instantaneously, where as the body takes some time to start to respond to any negative frequencies or environmental influences. So setting up a positive coherent field is very important for us to maintain a healthy equilibrium; both positive mind and body. You can do just this by using a Blushield.


Coherence in our lives may present itself in many different shapes and forms. Here is a list of coherent things:

  • Positive people
  • Good diet
  • Abundance
  • Healthy
  • Happiness
  • A range of mineral supplements
  • Stable relationships
  • Natural environment
  • Blushield


The other side of the coin presents us with plenty of incoherence in our lives, some of which we may or may not be aware of.

  • Negative people
  • Bad diet
  • Lack
  • Unhealthy
  • Sadness
  • Unstable relationships
  • City environment
  • EMF, wifi, radio waves
  • Smart Meters
  • Smart Phones
  • Full moon influence
  • Planetary alignments


The Blushield emits a coherent field that will impact on incoherent things or people in our local environment. Portables are good for out and about usage, but making your entire home or office a coherent environment is where the plug-in models come into their own. Initially an incoherent environment does not suddenly change with the introduction of a coherent field, but a change is noted when a Blushield is introduced into the local environment. This change may take a few days to establish with lasting effects.

It may take several days up to several weeks for one’s body to adjust to the new coherence in the environment. Once adjusted however incoherence becomes more noticeable when you are outside the coherent field and experience the ‘normal’ world, especially to sensitive individuals. Some people however are so used to incoherence that they are somewhat numbed to the world and maybe less sensitive and therefore may over look any and all change.


The coherent field the Blushield emits is designed using natural laws and principles, its effects are very evident with plants and animals and create enough coherence to see plant growth increase and animal health levels improve. So even plants and animals are affected by incoherent factors in their local environment. All living things benefit from coherence therefore they all benefit from the Blushield, this rules out any psychosomatic factors or belief systems about what should or shouldn’t happen when using these devices.

The test below involved a Male, in his mid thirties that was in constant exposure to high levels of EMF. Like many men these days he was in close proximity to electrical equipment all day and spent a lot of time with computers and game consoles. On top of this he had a very poor diet and did not exercise.

The Subject was given a Blushield Portable to carry around with him at all times. A Blushield Plug-in model was also installed at his home and was kept going 24/7. No other changes were made to diet or lifestyle during the testing period which was from 11th January 2012 till the 14th of March 2012.

Blood Tests – Before Blushield

The red cells membranes are ghosting (exploding) due to their weakened state. Red cells are literally disappearing while being watched during live blood analysis.

There is a lot of parasite and crystallisation taking place in the blood. Red cells are also bunched together and are of irregular shape.

Testors comment: “High levels of inflammation and oxidation may relate to your lifestyle/occupation or diet.”

Blood Tests – After Blushield

Within 2 months the red cells have notably stronger membranes and fewer parasites. Despite the subject having a cold there is a marked improvement in blood quality.

Crystallisation has ceased and the red cells are of a more regular shape and distribution. A remarkable improvement despite no change in diet or lifestyle.


Testors comment: “Extremely reduced levels of inflammation and oxidation are amazing considering you have not changed your diet or lifestyle/occupation and had a cold.”


Lymphocytes went from 25 to 15 showing a normalisation of the immune system. This is reflected in the blood. Obvious changes are apparent and the walls of the blood cells have normalised within a very short period of time. This was very noticeable, and very surprising to the tester.

This graph show the increase in organ function with Blusheld use.

More information can be found at:

© Osteopathic Vision, 2016