
There are many ways to protet yourself and your enviromnet from EMF pollution.  

The simplest way is to distance yourself from the source of the EMF’s.  The fields diminish with the square of the distance from the source.  The extreme here is to live in the center of a large parcel of land with no source of EMF around.  This may not be a possible solution for many people.

The next simplest way is to shut off the source.  Things like unplugging items when not in use (like a television or WiFI device) can go a long way toward limiting exposure.  Keeping your phone in airplane mode when not in use can also help.  This contiencious use of electrical devices help to limit EMF exposure, however, ther are timew ehn we will need to be exposed.

EMF’s Cause Damage

To repair damage and build the body’s defenses against the onslaught of EMR, supplements—along with dietary changes, stress reduction, weight control and exercise—make you stronger, more balanced, and better able to face the assaults of EMR. Antioxidant supplements that fight free radicals are especially desirable.

Says Dr. Carlo: “You as a human being are put under siege by the electromagnetic soup we’re swimming in, and this isn’t hyperbole, it’s true. When you answer your cell phone, radio signals are around you. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Our general ability to compensate for those insults is becoming compromised by the ever-increasing background of EMR.”

Taking as many precautions as you can goes a long way to reducing the risks. However, Dr. Carlo cautions that there is no silver bullet solution. “It’s a complicated problem, and while we tend to look for a quick fix, there is none here. Over the next decade, I hope we figure out how to change the way signals are transmitted. A thousand years from now we will have evolved, but that’s not helping us now. This will take time, but consumers have to be empowered to help themselves in the interim.”

These pages will relate how these items can help when you have to be exposed. 


© Osteopathic Vision, 2016